Monday, March 26, 2012

Program Mode

If you're interested in taking your photography a step further, play around with your photos by taking your camera out of auto mode.


If I have my camera set to auto, then the camera will not let me make adjustments to any of the settings.  If I set it to P mode (program mode), the camera will still automatically adjust my settings, but I can choose to override those settings. The P mode allows the photographer control over ISO, white balance, exposure, flash, and etc.  The camera might make recommendations while in P mode--like showing a flash icon in the viewfinder--but I can choose whether or not I want to use the flash.  The P mode would be ideal in places where flash photography is not allowed. 

Adjustment settings will vary from camera to camera. Always refer to the manual for details about your specific camera. Though you may feel overwhelmed by all the options that your camera may have, just take it one step at a time. 

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