Thursday, March 15, 2012

Rule of Thirds

Good morning.  I'm wishing for some nice weather for today.  I don't know about you, but I love the Spring and Fall when the weather is nice and warm....not too hot and not too cold like our Summer and Winter months are.  Spring time for me is my opportunity to be outside with my camera doing what I love. 
I've been thinking about what photography tip that I should post first, and the first thing that come to my mind was the rule of thirds.  This is one of those bits and pieces I was telling you about that is used in photography and will help you achieve a better photo.  Now, the rule of thirds doesn't necessarily have to be used in every photo, but its always wise to keep it in mind when shooting photos or even cropping photos (I personally do not like to crop my photos, but there are many that do).

Photo Tip : Rule of Thirds
When composing a photo, try using the rule of thirds. Imagine horizontal and vertical lines (like a tick-tack-toe grid) and place key elements where the lines intersect. Some cameras already have these lines in the view finder or on the LCD screen.  Maybe you've seen this grid on your computer when editing photos and  thought it was for centering your photo.  Actually, this rule is the exact opposite.  See below:

Key elements in the photo should be placed where the lines intersect.  Aligning subjects along the horizontal and vertical lines and then placing key elements at the lines of intersection will create more interest in the composition than simply centering your subject.  I'll be delving deeper into this rule in the days ahead, and I'll post some of my photos along with each blog for a visual reference of where I've used the rule of thirds in the composition of the photo.  Remember, this rule doesn't always have to be followed, but you should always keep the rule of thirds in mind.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you!! I "knew" this, but did not know it had a name! LOL Kim
